Today was the second day of our Community Action Project (CAP), and the eleventh day of the trip. Looking back, it feels like a complete blur, being occupied every second of our days in Costa Rica. Upon our early arrival back to Escuela Santa Rosa, we discovered preparations for the children’s art and language festival. However, we were determined to continue the progress we’ve made in painting the fences. In the next couple hours, we completed the main section of the fence overlooking the road, improving safety by coating it with corrosion-reducing paint which shined brightly under the harsh sun and improved its condition as well as aesthetics.

Around 10 am, the school’s principal eagerly encouraged us to attend the festival. After gathering our supplies, we spent time appreciating the hard work and dedication each student poured into their performances, a variety of dance, poetry, and song. Sadly, we still had work to do, so we returned to our delegated tasks. Through persistent focus, we rounded off a sizable amount of work and managed to complete the entire side of the fence that protected the students from the large drop-off and road below. Unfortunately, our work was cut short as large rain clouds rolled, shrouding the peak of Turrialba Volcano and casting a shadow over the town of Santa Rosa and the school. It was impractical to continue painting while it rained. Instead, our group engaged in activities including basketball, soccer, volleyball, and yoga. As the conditions worsened, we were led inside the covered areas of the school and played some team-building games including a spin-off of Capture the Flag and a team-based rock paper scissors game.

The rain eased, allowing us to head back to the base home. As we neared, we witnessed a flash flood in the river close to our base house. This was a rare sighting of high-speed waters carrying debris from the nearby mountains filling the usually quaint stream. The hours that followed were spent resting after hours of working in the hot sun and getting covered in paint. Dinner was a welcome reminder of home, with a classic meal of beef-patty burgers, enjoyed by all. The nightly meeting was followed by a celebration of the 17th birthday of one of our fellow Glimpsers: Kaitlyn. The event was commemorated by cake, ice cream, cupcakes, and coconut-covered marshmallows.