OMGGGG everyone, It’s our last full day in Constanza. How bittersweet and mind-blowing it is that our time here has flown by in the blink of an eye. Today was our last day of constructon at Cañada de las Palmas, the village where we’ve spent so much time helping to create a great community center that will be very beneficial for everyone there. Our great day started with a 7am wake up call. For breakfast, we munched on ham and cheese sandwiches (with great toppings like lettuce, tomatoes, and mayo) and hot chocolate. After breakfast, we made our way up the mountains into the village to begin our first shift at work! A very special thanks to Rudy, our amazing driver who made sure every drive was safe and secure throughout the entire trip. We appreciate you very much! #Queloque Our first shift of work mainly constisted off breaking the initial floor of the community center and forming a line on a hill to pass buckets of dirt for the next phase of developing the floor. Shoutout to Roberta for catching those buckets and taking some well-earned battle scars for the best delegation, C1D of course! We each took turns using the pick axe to break the floor, which most people enjoyed due to the stress relieving feeling. After that hard work, we were transported back to the hotel for lunch. For lunch, we were served beef meatballs, white rice with pinto beans, and a cucumber tomato salad. Lunch is our favorite meal of the day so of course there was no waste this time around!

After that amazing meal, we made our way back to our work site for our second shift, only this time with fewer people because some weren’t feeling well. This meant fewer people in the assembly lines and harder work for us. However, we pushed through! Although we didn’t complete the full center, the President of the neighborhood association at Cañada de las Palmas, Ramon Delgado, reminded us that all work is good work, and that what we’ve done is great and such a blessing to him and his community. Afterwards, some of the community members gathered around and Roberta and I , said some nice words and we had a bachata, merengue, and Chicago house music dance party to celebrate our hard work. We were also presented with an award thanking us for our generosity and hard work. Our GG leaders love us so much that we stopped for ice cream and shortly made our way back to our home, where we had a group reflection about the day with our groups. We talked about how working with this community will impact our daily lives and the gratitude we have toward everyone in the community and around us. At 7pm we ate dinner, which was chicken tenders and french fries. We couldn’t have thought of a better way to end our last dinner here at the Dilenia Hotel. Finally, we had our nightly meeting where we concluded our thoughts about the day and welcomed the new and final leaders of our amazing trip, Maya J and Alexia! Billy Goat and Roberta Cubeta signing outtt (mic drop!!)