Hey everybody, its Tim here with day fourteen’s blog!

Man, what a day. Today was a day filled with excitement, teamwork and determination to finish off this wonderful project. Glimpsers woke up at the normal time of 7am, thanks to a few loud bangs on their doors and proceeded to get ready to head out for breakfast. Once we were all ready, we headed to Imabite for breakfast where we had some tasty paIMG_6590ncakes and fruit. After some good food and good times with each other, we headed back to the hostel to prepare for Day 3 of our Community Action Project! We hopped onto our private bus and headed down to Barrilete. At that point, all of our creative minds were firing on all cylinders trying to pump out an amazing project that will have an effect on the kids for years to come. This relates to the question of the day, Was this project successful? What do you think it will look like next summer? In 5 years? These questions have been lingering on all of the Glimpsers minds, several of them saying they believe it will forever bring happiness and joy to the kids and people of Barrilete.

After a few hours of hard work, we hIMG_6239ad a much needed lunch courtesy of our friends at Imabite. Meanwhile, Orion, tomorrow’s El Leader Del Dia, had a leadership meeting giving him a little sneak peak of what it’s like to be the leader. The rest of the crew prepared for English tutoring. After that, we went back to work on our CAP, and when the time came to say goodbye hugs were exchanged and emotional speeches by Maria and I were given to each other. It was so difficult to leave the beautiful people of Barrilete, but us Glimpsers knew we had given them a piece of us they will forever have. Both the construction team and the paint and design team displayed an amazing amount of teamwork and determination. IMG_6145It was truly inspirational.

We then headed back to Imabite for dinner where we had a great dinner. After dinner we proceeded to English tutoring- it is always was a blast working with our students. Hearing the laughs and happiness up and down the halls and seeing smiling faces is an amazing feeling


The night ended with our nightly meeting. I passed the torch to Orion whose talent was sharing some of his amazing film-making skills with the group. A lot of appreciation was shared at the circle because of the hard work we all put in. Orion ended the night perfectly with a unity clap meaning it was time to finally time to hit the hay.