Today was a blast!
First, we started the day with sun salutations before breakfast. We spent the day learning about the coffee business — from farm to table. We enjoyed getting muddy and working with the baby coffee bean plants in the nursery and learning about the daily life of a coffee farm worker. We noted how tired and sweaty we were after two hours, whereas the workers spend 8 hours in the field each day with only one break.

After an AMAZING and healthy lunch of traditional rice, beans, chicken, salad, papaya, and eggplant, we toured Cafe Almonte in the afternoon. We learned about how the beans are opened, dried, sorted, cleaned, roasted, bounded, and packaged for shipping. Then, we had the best cups of fresh coffee we have ever had!

Later this evening, our PC(Program Coordinator) Angelica presented a history of Taino indigenous culture and the cultural influences of popular dances in the region. We learned to dance Bachata, Merengue, and Dembow! After working and dancing, we kept our energies high with volleyball, dancing, and a feisty game of spoons. The GGLs (Global Glimpse Leaders) passed the torch to our first youth leaders at the nightly meeting. We are looking forward to learning about Aid and Development tomorrow, with glimpsers Jose and Adam leading the way!