Today, students at Global Glimpse took a visit to the Vivedo De Café to work like a local. The speaker for the Greenhouse, Franklin, taught students the stages of coffee production from germination to distribution. Students took part in manual labor on the Coffee farm pulling weeds and tending to gardens. Although it was hard work, students enjoyed working there. Then after lunch, students took a trip to the coffee bean factory, Monte Alto, where we saw the inner workings of how coffee beans are grown, sorted, and distributed. Students were amazed and intrigued by the growing process. Students were able to gain a new appreciation for both coffee and the hard work that locals do to support their lives. In the end, we all had a chance to purchase coffee among other things from Monte Alto.

As leaders, Emely and I first felt unprepared and uncoordinated, but as the day progressed, we became more confident in ourselves as leaders. We did our best to encourage both each other and other students to try their best and give it their all.

PS: feed Memin >:) -Emely <3