Hello families and loved ones back home! We greet you all. Today we stayed at the base house again. But we still had fun! We woke at 7:30 today with the song of Skibidi Toilet. We then took a shower and got ready for Breakfast at 8:30. We had an amazing breakfast with a good French toast, eggs, fruit, and yogurt. We even had fruit punch and blackberry juice. At 9:30, we had a quick mental warm-up to freshen our brains by talking about the question of the day and the quote of the day. We then had an amazing and fantastic time contacting our families and loved ones. We are all excited to have talked with you guys. We also spent that time bonding together by playing in the pool and playing pool games. We had lunch at 12 pm where we ate rice, beans, beef, and salad. At 2-4 pm, we had the opportunity to meet a guest speaker named Rodrigo who talked and taught us about AID & DEVELOPMENT. We did a game with him passing a ball in different ways (like hot potato) and we would explain how we could solve a problem in the society, environment, and economy. We also had to find a way to bring a ball from the base house to the swimming pool. We had to make a chain for that. Overall, the point of that was teamwork makes everything easier and quick. After Rodrigo left, we had fun in the swimming pool again and continued making calls. We then got ready for dinner at 6 pm. We had rice, salad, meat soup, and vegetable soup. For drinks, we had guava and fruit punch. Later we then had our nightly meeting where we wrapped up the day, sharing what we did, and the ups and downs of the day. We are glad to be doing all this and it was a fun day for everyone. Thank you.

Don’t forget that you can see more photos from our trip at this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/U6VvxuNvmyM2fjC67