Today was Day 6: Aid and Development. Evan and I woke up at 6 to wake everybody else around 7 to eat breakfast, which was crépes with eggs and beans. We had our mental warm-up at 9, where we played 2 games, the first called “Zip-Zap-Zop,” followed by another group bonding game.
For our C.A.P. (Community Action Plan) Seminar, we made a proposal on how we can help out the school this Wednesday. After that, we ate lunch at 12, which was rice with veggie stew. We had 2 hours of free time until the guest speaker arrived at 2. It rained pretty hard around 2 and some of us got caught in the rain. The guest speaker spoke to us about sustainable development and how it can help us take care of the environment. We did an activity that revolved around the Sustainable Development Goals and proposed solutions on how to solve each goal.
Around 4:30, we had our first phone call with our parents. We had dinner at 6, which was Yuca with cheese and tuna, with a side of salad. Around 7, we had our nightly meeting where Leo and Evan presented their talents and introduced the next leaders of the day. For the rest of the night, we played board games like Monopoly and cards. We were sent to bed at 9:30.