Hola familia y amigos / Hello family and friends! 

Our names are Emily & Arleth. We were the LDDs for Day 6, which was Conservation + Free Day. We started the morning with a gentle wake-up to all the glimpsers. We then ate a delicious breakfast consisting of gallo pinto, huevos (egg), and pan (bread). We then had our first CAP Seminar led by Dianna and Memo, in which we learned about the upcoming Community Action Project (CAP). In this project, our delegation will be improving the infrastructure of the Aquiares Elementary School as well as establishing sustainable changes within the community. 

Following the CAP Seminar, we then walked down to the Aquiares bus stop. It was everyone’s first time riding the public bus in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Upon arrival, we headed to an ice cream shop where everyone enjoyed some refreshing ice cream. Memo then led us to the Turrialba sign, where we took a group photo. Later, we went to the Central Market and were able to shop around. Afterward, we walked to the panadería (bakery) and had the opportunity to try new pastries. 

And then, the highlight of our day. As we were on our way back to the bus stop, we saw the bus turning the corner and driving off. That is when we all started to sprint after the bus. Thankfully, all of us made it (we were all sweaty and out of breath). As the LDDs, we are both very proud that everyone fought for their life to catch the bus and not have to walk an hour and a half back to the accommodation. 

Once we arrived back at Casa Aquiares, we were greeted with a scrumptious lunch consisting of potatoes, salad, and pork chops. We had the pleasure of welcoming Karla, the owner of Finca la Florita, for a seminar on Costa Rica conservation programs. Karla educated the glimpsers on biodiversity, conservation, and agriculture. Fun fact: Costa Rica is in the Top 20 of the happiest countries in the world and consists of 6% of the world’s biodiversity! Moving on, the glimpsers were able to call home for 15 minutes each. As some were calling, others were playing board games and/or chatting with others. 

To wrap it up, both of us were able to improve our leadership skills today and have many opportunities to take initiative. Many glimpsers showed their support towards us and believed that we fulfilled the expectations and responsibilities of being Líder Del Día. We are looking forward to Day 7 tomorrow led by our next LDDs, Helen and Em! 

-Emily & Arleth

More photos from today here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/3cp3y2t4rvFpdR6C6