Hey! It’s Liana and Amalia!

Today we had a slow morning, with a yummy breakfast of Gallo Pinto, eggs, fruit, and bread, along with fresh juices. We played a few different group bonding games, our version of speed dating with rapid-fire questions, and a game of common ground, where we learned about each other and our hobbies. We then watched a documentary about environmental conservation and soil sustainability, and we all learned a lot. Shortly after we had a lunch of fajita chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, and more fresh juice. After lunch, we had a few hours of free time, where some of us went to the local minimart and stocked up on snacks, and others stayed back for naps or cards (Which for the record Amalia won the most games of Spit…). After the needed break, the guest speaker, Karla, came to speak with us. She was the owner of the cheese farm we went to a few days prior and kept us engaged with fun games about animals, conservation, and energy. Many of us won prizes of handmade milk candy, made from milk and sugar, and various Costa Rican cards and snacks. We had a bit more free time after listening to our guest speaker as we all took some time to ourselves and played some games. Before dinner, a few people made some red velvet cupcakes which were really good. For dinner, we had spaghetti with red sauce, garlic bread, and salad, which was very well-loved. We passed the torch to our new wonderful LDDs (Leaders of the Day), Reema and Sidney, who showed off their art skills and 12 fingers, respectively. Today was a slow but relaxing day which we all appreciated, enjoying time getting to know each other!!

PS, Hi to everyone at home, love and miss you guys! – Amalia and Liana