Hello!! Today we woke up at 7 to the banging sounds of pots and pans from Mik and Kody. Today for breakfast we had rice and beans with fried eggs and bread with some refreshing fruit. At 8:40 we headed to Santa Rosa School to complete the classrooms we started and began a beautiful mural. After lunch, we had rice white beans, and coleslaw. Completing the classrooms we are left with a blossoming mural (can you guess our inspo?). We had a fast market run for some snacks and to remain hydrated with our favorite drinks. For dinner, we had more! rice and beans with beef by our amazing chefs Diego and Amelia. We had some downtime after dinner and headed to bed at 9 pm to get ready for our last day at work tomorrow !!!!
Don’t forget to check out our photos and videos and comment to your loved ones! https://photos.app.goo.gl/U6VvxuNvmyM2fjC67
Hasta mañana!
Kody I will use pots and pans to wake you up from now on Lol 🤭
Buenas dias!! Isabella, bring the paint roller home with you – our house is next!!!! I also saw you using some construction tools …. What a wonderful project and I cannot believe how large the area is . It must feel very good to see the fruits of your labor and know that it will make the school day more pleasant for so many! Lotsa love! See you soon!!!
Great job everyone! Way to make a difference. I’m sure the hard work is appreciated.
Eli g, te veo ya cogiendo color. You’re not Kelly G anymore. I miss you bbg.
I love the mural—it’s so colorful and fun with the green. Eli G, I see your painting skills, go ahead! I might tap you to help out more with the classroom next year! Abdul, I’m sure the paint splatter was well worth it! Your photo posing is priceless. Thank goodness your crew was holding the ladder for you.
Appreciate the updates!
Que gran trabajo están haciendo felicidades Heidi mi reina hermosa me da tanto gusto que te estés divirtiendo sigue disfrutando mi vida me encanta ver tu sonrisa we love you and we miss you 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Okay Ms. Leader Mikaylaaa!!
Thriving in all ways possible 🙂