Many apologizes for the late blog, we have had some long and fulfilling days. On our free day we had two seminars in the morning in which we discussed poverty and global business. During the poverty seminar did a comparison and contrast of poverty in the DR and the rest of the world. We discussed how 2.5 billion of the global population lives on $2. a day, and 1.5 billion lives on $1. a day. During the Global Business seminar we discussed how global businesses effects local communities, specifically, how the sugar cane industry effects the local communities in the DR.
During the free day we were able to leave the hotel for six hours and explore San Juan. We split into different groups, some went to the ice cream shop while others left in search of finding a nail salon. Another group took pictures of all of the landmarks while me and six others played basketball with a group of Dominican children. I will not say who won the game. We all had a great time exploring the city in different ways.
Takai Ginwright
Hey Takai, it’s good to read your blog. We miss you son. Sounds like you all are learning a great deal and will have a deeper understanding about privilege and the need for a better distribution of resources. Can’t wait to hear about the trip when you all return. Please tell Lorice and the other GG we said hello.