Haiiiii Global Glimpse fam :333

Today was a lit crazy day, hear us out. First, we woke up bright and early at 6 am to get ready and wake up all the other Glimpsers at 6:30 am (ngl some of them woke up pretty late……) For breakfast, we had a lot of options. The cook gave us options of pancakes, toast with either jam or cheese, ham, cereal, and a side of scrambled eggs. Then, we had to finish our poster for the presentation for the community members for our entryway into Fun Fay. And then…. we rode the lit party bus (AYEEEEE) at 9 am. We had the speakers bumpin with the bass boosted but only a few were getting lit with us :”(((. Unfortunately, when we arrived at the beach, the weather was NOT fun…it was thundering, lightning, and pouring cats and dogs on us while we were trying to have fun on Fun Day :”((. But after enjoying the beach for roughly about 5 minutes or so, we had to return back to the bus to go back to the base house.

BUT THE FUN DIDN’T STOP THERE. Our base house in Juan Dolio was turned into a lit party villa. We made use of our time by playing mermaids, roleplaying fish, marco polo, and monkey in the middle of the pool. We were in the pool for about 2-3 hours. After cleaning up it was time for lunch!!! :33 For lunch we ATE white rice, chicken, beans, steamed vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, and fried plantains, with a side of salad, and our thirst was QUENCHED with that fruit punch. yum.

After eating, it was time to pack up our stuff and leave Villas Del Castillo aka the Poolside Paradise in Juan Dolio :'(( That 3-4 hour bus ride was rough (personally I slept the whole ride only waking up to eat LOL – Kaelah :P) (and I woke up to Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter and started singing along >w<).

When the long bumpy ride was over, we arrived back at the OG villa in Jarabacoa with the cats and #QUEENURSULA (aka our fav cook >w<). But before that, we had to change into our formal attire and present our community project to the head of the community. It was pretty fun being all business and sharing our thoughts with the community to help them out.

To end the day off, Queen Ursula cooked us some fyyyre din din, including boiled ripe plantains, beef (tasted like bistek 😛 – Kaelah), and garlic pasta. And after stuffing our faces, and leaving no crumbs, it was time for the nightly meeting where we passed the torch to our next LDDs, Tanvi and McKinley, who gave us a taste of Cirque De Soleil (WHAT THE FLIP – Elizabeth :3) ( yall had to be there it was a lit way to end fun day~~~ >w<)

Signing out,

Kaelah and Elizabeth (CAMP ROCK!)

P.S. To Gus, fam, friends, bookie Angel. Don’t worry y’all, got your rocks, souvenirs, and one seashell (fight for it). Love and miss y’all…I hope you haven’t forgotten about me. Talk to you guys in 5 days (I’m not sure the days are blending in together, it’s all a blur). I miss In-N-Out . Stay freaky ;ppppp – Liz

Hai fam and friends and chuko and novabutt, please let my dad know that I want jollibee when I get home pwease :333. Ira don’t keep going to target, trader joes, tjmaxx, ulta, yk it without me . Love and miss you gais always. and my ice cream better still be there too. And happy early birthday to you Savannah and Beshie I’ll try to get you gais something when I have time. bai bai see you all in 5 days mwah mwah chup chup.