Hello everyone, it’s the LDDs (Leaders of the Day) Leanette and Mackenzie! Today was another successful day on our CAP project. Before we began working, we had to wake up early in the morning at the usual 6 AM and eat pancakes for breakfast at 7 AM. For our mental warm-up we played “Bippity Bop”, and this game was new to everyone, so getting started was slow, but once we got going it was fun. Then we played another few rounds of “Follow the Leader”. After the mental warm-up, we left to continue our CAP work. However, one of each of our PCs and GGLs had a free day, so we had to step up to the plate.

At Escuela Eslabón, we gave the rest of the group their assignments and resumed painting. The majority of the group finished painting the larger of the two classrooms while a few of us finished sanding the newly plastered walls, both inside and outside. After the sanding was completed, we coated the plaster in sealing paint while others started to paint the outside walls along the back of the school. Some people moved on to painting the second coat before lunch. For lunch today we had chicken, rice, beans, and salad. After lunch, we began painting again, focusing more on the director’s office and the outside walls. Unfortunately, the progress on the outside walls had to be halted due to heavy rain, but everyone made the most of it and started to paint the grates on the windows.

Today was very focused on the work getting done, with everyone staying on task and working efficiently together. Part of our question of the day today was “What is the best way to cooperate with others?”. The group thought that communication played an integral role in cooperation and were keen to ask each other for help if they needed it. Without everyone’s continued effort into the project, we wouldn’t have been able to make as much progress as we did, and we are very proud of their persistence. We can’t wait to see the finished product of all our hard work!

Signing off, Leanette and Mackenzie!