Dear fellow family and friends, 

Coming to you today to talk about our day from our LDDs of June 13th Victoria and Daniela. Today was our first Community Action Project (CAP) where we collaborated with an elementary school in Aquiares, Costa Rica. We started our day by waking up bright and early at 7 AM and continued with a healthy breakfast at 8 AM to help us through a hard-working day. After we finished breakfast we all gathered for a group stretch to help us throughout our heavy work. Afterward, we walked to school which was only a 5-minute walk from where we are staying. We met with our construction leader, Don Antonio so he could help provide us information to officially begin the Community Action Project(CAP) as the first delegation. 

Don Antonio split us up into three groups where one group filled up dirt in wheelbarrows to prepare to make the cement. A second group washed the moss from the concrete ramp where we will smooth it with cement in order to create a more even path for the kids. The last group helped fix the basketball court by removing the old cracked uneven cement on the floor. We worked from 8-4 with breaks in between. We were all helpful in coordinating with each other and making sure everyone rotated their tasks so we could all help one another. As LDD we made sure everyone was doing their task and checking in with our peers so if anyone felt tired they were able to take breaks and stay hydrated. We reminded each other to retouch on sunscreen and bug spray since we were all doing physical work in the sun. We all collectively worked together to stay on task and help one another in case someone got injured or needed a break. 

After a tough day of hard work, sweat, and labor, some people walked back home and some decided to go to “El Chino”, a supermarket nearby the hostel, to buy some refreshments, snacks, and some ingredients to make a dessert for our GGL Nikki to celebrate her birthday! After we all got home we all took a shower, and afterward, we had a CAP Seminar where we sat and gathered our thoughts about what we learned, how we felt about doing tasks that we had never done before, and also how we managed to achieve successful teamwork in different groups. We all concluded that even though it was difficult to get organized and some of our peers didn’t have clear communication around the specific tasks we had to accomplish, we all had a learning experience, we tried to help each other by giving water reminders, rotating tasks and letting others rest while others were working, we checked on each other and genuinely tried helping with anything our peers needed. Also, we reflected that even though we are a small group of individuals, we are beginning with something small that will lead to a project that will leave a positive impact on the children and the community. We all share the values of diligence, commitment, and encouragement, and we will persist in developing these values so we can show the community and the next delegation the beginning of a prominent project.

Our fellow glimpsers Oviya and Kahlan will be taking over as LDDs for CAP day 2, and we are so excited to see them lead the teams as we continue to work on improving the Escuela Aquiares!

More photos from today here:

Much love,

Victoria and Daniela