Hello Global Glimpse Family,

Today I had the pleasure of being El Lider Del Dia for free day. This morning we had a simple breakfast consisting of cereal, toast, and pancakes. As for lunch, we ate Nicaraguan stew with chicken, vegetables, potatoes, rice, and a side of tortilla chips. Was it good, you ask? Well, yes, of course, otherwise most of us wouldn’t have jumped for seconds. Big thanks to La Familiar. After, in groups of four, we all set out for the streets of Jinotega to shop for souvenirs, splurge on snacks, take trips to the park, and try to contact our parents. Contacting our parents did not go so well for some of us due to the phone lines not working at the calling center. Sorry, but we still love you! Even though it rained today it surely did not rain on our parade as explored Jinotega. We finally closed out our day with English tutoring. All three classes had one of their best days yet because our students were engaged and having fun.

My peers and I learned the act of of independence, not seeking help from our GG Leaders as we went to our pre-approved spots around town without the adults. Something that I was most proud of from today was how well we worked as a team to improve our English tutoring. Being El Lider Del Dia was definitely a great experience, especially considering I was given great feedback from my peers at the nightly meeting. What I learned about myself today is how caring I am and how even better of a leader I can be.

Note from GG Leader Crystal: This entry was shorter than usual because we didn’t spend the majority of the day as a group. Tomorrow is working like a local day and our entry will be long and filled with tons of pictures from what we predict will be a truly unique day.

A military reenactment occurring in the center of Jinotega today! Jinotegans are proud of their important role in the Sandinista revolution.

A military reenactment occurring in the center of Jinotega today! Jinotegans are proud of their important role in the Sandinista revolution.


One of our students, Joy, holding the daughter of our hostel owner. The hostel is really starting to feel like home.

Joy holding the daughter of our hostel owner. The hostel is really starting to feel like home.


Jennifer leading a lesson in the beginner English with her fellow Glimpsers/teachers.

Jennifer leading a game of hang man in the beginner English class with her fellow Glimpsers.