Hi everyone, I’m Maryanne!

I’M SO EXCITED! This is my fourth year with Global Glimpse and my third time traveling with students. Each time is completely different and I can’t wait to see what adventures we have in the Dominican Republic.

During the school year, I am a social studies teacher at Williamsburg Prep High School in Brooklyn. I’ve taught every grade in my seven years here, 9th and 10th grade Global, 11th-grade U.S History and our inaugural Black History Course, and a college prep class, One Goal, to seniors. Anytime I get to talk with students about their personal histories is the highlight of our class time.  To me, both Social Studies and traveling are all about learning new things and hearing about the lives of new people in different places. Global Glimpse perfectly allows me to combine the two and I look forward to sharing that with all of you student leaders.

During the summers, I’m always somewhere that’s not New York if I can help it. Growing up upstate, Rochester, NY, and living in Harlem for the last 9 years, I always feel like I need a little escape once school is done. My most wild trip was to China, walking the Great Wall was unimaginable and the language barrier was REAL. One of the most fun trip activities I’ve done was go white water rafting in Costa Rica, with Global Glimpse and I successfully remained in the raft (see how dry I am in the picture!). And the worst/best part of every trip is leaving but then coming home to my dog, Harry. My long-term goal is to hit all seven continents but right now I’m enjoying all the stops in between.

For all students on their first trip abroad – I’m excited to see that moment when you catch the traveling bug. For those students who have been abroad before – I’m excited to see how connecting with local people change your view of the world. I think we’ll all learn, laugh, and grow together. It’s going to be great!

See you soon!!!
