Hi Everyone!

It was great talking to you on the phone today, we hope all is well!

For breakfast, we had eggs both with and without ham, rice and beans, pineapple, watermelon, bread, banana, and orange juice. Right after breakfast, we had an energizer where we played Duck Duck Goose and Zip Zap on the lawn.

Afterwards, we did a Big Love activity which involved us writing comments showing our love for one another but we only had 45 seconds to write comments to one another, and at the end of the activity we wrote a comment for ourselves. When we finished the activity, we discussed how we felt reading the comments we received, some of us felt happy, seen, heard, vulnerable, strong, loved, and appreciated.

Our next activity for the day was the Global Glimpse Journey Activity. In this activity, we separated to write about 5 significant moments, a lesson we learned about ourselves, a lesson we learned about leadership, and someone we met that inspired us. When we were done writing, we came together in three groups to reflect and discuss what we wrote. By listening to each other’s experiences, we then learned that we all felt similar emotions before and during this trip. Some of us expressed that before going on this trip we felt nervous and some of us felt excited.

After this activity we had lunch: guava juice, salad and pasta, red sauce, and chicken. Following lunch we had another energizer where we played a game with a soccer ball which had questions on it: the person we threw the ball had to ask a person of their choice a question. We also played Let’s Move, We Move (a group favorite).

Next, we had a meeting with our guest speaker, Carla whom we met with at the cheese factory last week. Carla informed us about the importance of conservation and the importance of taking care of our environment we also watched several videos about the history of conservation in Costa Rica.

To process this work, we did a mini activity with Leydi and Adrian where we reflected on environmental issues in our own communities back home. Then we each shared what we wrote and the solutions to those environmental issues.

Tonight we have our nightly meeting and then we get to hang out together for another night!

Pura Vida!

Daniella and Nelci