We started off at Proyecto Kuri Kinti where Jenni and Santiago explained the way they live and teach in connection with nature. When we were there, we worked alongside them to clean the river by their home. After collecting 6 bags of plastic waste from the river, Jenni and Santiago invited us into their home and offered us a traditional snack of maiz and queso paired with fresh lemonade that was made with a lot of love. Following, we took the bus to Granja Carlos Garbay, our partner for the CAP project. Mauricio, the director of the Granja, then showed us how they use agriculture to educate children with special needs. During our time there, Mauricio mentioned important projects that would benefit the children from the school.

After our visit, we returned to the hotel in Riobamba where we had the CAP seminar and came up with a plan to present to Mauricio. Our delegation will be presenting our plan including a budget, materials, and a plan of action on Monday. After dinner, we attended Martiniano Guerrero Freire, a night school for teens and adults who are working towards completing the education they couldn’t receive when they were younger. We were divided into pairs and visited different classrooms where we were able to exchange our experiences with education in Ecuador and the United States. Some students even got to dance and eat cake with their classes! Finally, we returned to the hotel and had our nightly meeting where we passed the Lider del Dia throne to Yaretzi.

Signing off,

Melisa G, and Grace J