Que lo que compai!

Today we woke up at our usual time of 7 am. We had breakfast shortly after at 8 am. We had the closing reflection starting at 9 am, when we did lots of activities that involved discussions about the entire trip. There were lots of emotions; many people cried and it was the start of our goodbye. At 12 pm we had lunch, not very different from every other lunch we have had for the past 12 days. We had lots of good food — we had potato salad, rice with pork chops, lentils, white rice, watermelon, boiled vegetables, and mango juice. At 1 pm, we had our final survey, and final airport check-in. From 2-4 pm, we spent our time at a local waterfall where we all enjoyed the cool water.

When we got back to the ranch, some got in the pool while others went to freshen up and get ready for dinner. By 7 pm we were all ready and we headed to a pizza place where we chose from pepperoni, 4 cheese, barbecue chicken, and vegetarian pizza. We got back to the ranch around 8:30 pm, where we all enjoyed a slice of chocolate cake to commemorate the last day on the ranch and our last dinner together.

Our nightly meeting began at 9 pm, we talked about the day and how we changed, and lots of people agreed on the fact that they showed up with their true selves on the trip in contrast to their usual personas at home. We finished the day off with some free time, enjoying our last night on the ranch.

Final day. Time has passed by so fast, lots of friends were made along the journey, and many memories were shared. Hand in hand — mano en mano — we take our final steps, tomamos nuestros últimos pasos, I have never been so sad to see the finish line but we’re all here together. The end. Fin.