Hey Hey GG Familias!!

Today was free day which was a nice break from all the field trips. We had a later wake up call at 8:30 and some of us participated in an optional morning stretch at 8:00 led by us. It was a refreshing way to wake up and provided extra bonding time. We then started the day together with another delicious breakfast followed by a three hour free block where we engaged in activities here at La Primavera. We played soccer in the rain, played several rounds of card games and had a mini dance party. After the block we had lunch together and got prepared for a day out in town. This day was exciting for us because it was the first day out by ourselves. Our GG leaders accompanied us on the bus ride to town but then we were off on our own! We split up into groups and explored downtown Riobamba. Some of us indulged in coffee and treats from Cafe Paris and Cholas – an Ecuadorian baked good – while others did some shopping at Plaza Roja and other local stores. A couple of us were lucky enough to reach home at internet cafes. After a couple of hours of shopping and eating we headed back to La Primavera for a nice warm dinner. The day was very relaxing and fun and gave us the chance to apply everything we have learned so far. We ended with drafting letters of appreciation, having our nightly meeting, and passing the torch to the next LDDs.

Big Love,

Charlie & Perla