This blog comes to you from a very tired but very proud Program Coordinator, Nathan.
The last couple of days have been busy busy—maybe the opposite of what you’d expect from a Fun Day and a Free Day. But, with so many “last things to do” before leaving Las Tablas tomorrow, we found time escaping us.
Thursday was our much-needed Free Day—after three intense working days in Bajo Corral (with the successful completion of our Community Action Project!), students needed some extra sleep, extra free time, and extra ice cream. Not only that, students wanted to visit some of the contacts and places around Las Tablas that truly inspired them!
About 10 of our students used their Thursday morning to return to NutreHogar, the temporary orphanage that re-nourishes babies from communities which lack access to necessary supplies/food/medicines/etc. I am so proud that our students went back to not only give the nannies there a rest, but to care for the kids who live for months at a time in a place other than home.
Thursday afternoon saw students looking for deals in thrift stores, finding places to nap, hitting “Burguer House” (yes, that’s how it’s spelled) for amazing food, and some self-care stops at nail salons and the barberia. P.S., some of us have new haircuts!
Thursday night also concluded our English tutoring sessions at the local high school IFARHU. The regional director even showed up to see the classes for himself! And the students did NOT disappoint! I personally have not seen our Panamanian teens this animated, excited, or participatory all summer. This delegation of students has done a wonderful job of instilling confidence into their fellow peers to have fun in English, and it’s showing!
Today, Friday, was our highly anticipated Fun Day. At 10am we packed into the bus and headed to local beach Playa Uverito, where we played in the ocean and pool all day. For some, it was their first time swimming in the ocean! We are sunburned and content.
We also began our transition out of Las Tablas with the first part of our Trip Reflection seminar this evening, where we asked students to create journey maps of their two weeks in town. There were tears, laughs, vulnerable moments, and a connectedness that made you happy to be there.
I think I can speak for Arleen, our Panamanian coordinator, and I when I say that your children have excelled in the areas we’ve pushed them. They’ve risen to the occasion to become teachers, to become leaders of their peers, to interact with strangers in a foreign language, to embrace a community from a different culture, and to lose themselves in Panama.
They’ve uncovered skills and qualities within themselves which they’ve probably always had, but which have been illuminated and enhanced in this unique environment.
Tomorrow we will visit the Panama Canal and finish our evening with part two of our Trip Reflection.
Enjoy a few photos from the last two days!
Camilo, hijo.. META CUMPLIDA. Tus compañeras y Tu lograron el objetivo del viaje. Conocer una realización muy distinta a la que viven Ustedes en USA. Pensaría que la mayoría de los padres de tus compañeros somos inmigrantes, lo que hace que está realidad no sea agena para nosotros..a muchos de Ustedes probablemente les hemos dicho mas de alguna vez “ SI TU VIERAS COMO VIVEN JÓVENES DE TU EDAD EN NUESTROS PAÍSES VALORARIAS TODO LO QUE TIENES ACA” Lo viviste, lo viste, lo sufriste, la vida aveces es injusta. Nunca olviden que la pobreza no es solo material, también hay pobreza en el alma, la primera se puede solucionar… la segunda es la fueron Ustedes a reforzar, estoy segura que regresaran a sus casas agotados pero con el alma rica en amor, y experiencias . Disfruten sus últimas horas, rian, compartan . Siento que este Nuevo grupo de Amigos perdurará en el tiempo!!!! Estoy segura que los padres de los 18 estamos ORGULLOSOS, FELICES Y AGRADECIDOS CON LA OPORTUNIDAD Y REGALO DE VIDA QUE LES HA DADO GLOBAL GLIMPSE. No puedo olvidar a todos los tutores que han estado con Ustedes 24/7
Hijo.. espero que este sea Tu primero de muchos viajes de ayuda a la “Comunidad “
Te Amamos y estamos ORGULLOSOS de Ti!!!
Nos vemos mañana 😍
Mamá, Papá y Antonella
Hola Camilin
que alegria de verte tan feliz en esta linda experiencia de realizar estos trabajos sociales creo que sera tu camino en el futuro ya quedan pocos días para tu regreso a casa no lo dudo que regresaras feliz de haber realizado esta linda experiencia
Te quiero mucho
We are counting the hours to see you again, we can not be more proud of you, you did it!!
Happy to see that you and friends made a difference.
Enjoy and cherish every moment and take a lot of pictures, we can’t wait to them.
See you soon. God bless you all.
muchos besos y abrazos te enviamos todos los Arroyo’s
Hola Camilo ! El tiempo en Panamá pasó súper rápido! Que rico que pudieron disfrutar con amigos un rato en la playa , comer helado entre otras cosas ! Ahora queda empezar a ordenar las cosas , agradecer a tus padres por haberte dado la oportunidad de tener esta maravillosa aventura , agradecer a quienes te guiaron, a tus nuevos amigos por la confianza y a Panamá por la experiencia ! Disfruta al máximo este ratito que queda en Panamá antes de regresar a Chicago, un abrazo enorme para ti caperuso
Te queremos !
Hi Queen Tyra I see you are Living Your Best Life. Your two weeks are almost over, but the memories are a lifetime. Hope you are doing well. Love you Aunt Janet
Camilo tengo el corazón lleno orgullo y admiración por tu espíritu social, eres un hijo hermoso y un excelente ejemplo para tu hermana Antonella
Te estamos esperando muy ansiosos besos
Can’t wait to see you😁😁
Love mom
Phil said,HI!!
Michael said if you get a chance bring him some local coffee beans. Lol
Everyone misses you! Can’t wait to hear about your trip.