Having trust

Hola todo mundo! (Hello Everybody!) After a couple of days of hard work, it was finally our free day. Everyone had the chance to sleep in and afterwards we had a hearty breakfast of mashed plantains and sausage with hot chocolate. Since it was raining during the day, we decided to stay at the hotel to relax and bond with each other. Some of us were playing cards or having conversations, while others were making phone calls to our families. Afterwards, it was time for lunch (brown rice with beans, meatballs, and an avocado/tomato/cucumber salad). We then waited for the youth ambassadors to arrive to escort us around the city. Some of us went to a souvenir shop, others went to an internet café, while others decided to go to a gourmet pastry shop. It was a nice time to get to know the city of Constanza. We then headed back to the hotel, prepared for English tutoring, and then taught for 2 hours. Since it was our 3rd day of teaching, we were more comfortable with the students and shared a lot of laughs. After tutoring, we decided to play some icebreakers since we didn’t have time to do some earlier in the trip. Finally, we headed back to the hotel’s restaurant where we ate scrambled eggs with ham and bell peppers and bread with a side of fresh mango juice (all the meals today were delicioso).


One of the main highlights of our day was that we were able to spend time with the local teens (youth ambassadors) to get to know what they do in their free time. Even though we live in two different locations with different cultures, we found out that we still share a lot of similarities in terms of what we like to do in our spare time, such as hanging out with friends and going to local shops around the city.


One takeaway from today will be that even though we appear to be different in many ways, we’re actually more connected than we think.