

Hola y buenas noches family of fellow Glimpsers, My name’s Jonathan Elijah Perez and I am a student at William C. Overfelt in Eastside San Jose and I will be your blogger  for tonight ❤️ 

Today the group and I woke up around 6 am and had a flavorful breakfast of mash potatoes, fried cheeses and a nice warm delicious cup of  Dominican Hot Cinnamon Chocolate. But before our desayuna, I had a very large thorn..  I’ve accidentally left my roommate Ivan stuck in our room with a not knowing broken doorknob. We tried many solutions but the only one that worked the best was me breaking the door. 😢  I’ve felt pretty bad about it but later through the day it was made up. 8 am we all gather up into two Safaris, which is an off rode vehicle with seat in the back. The view of the great country of the Dominican Republic was truly jaw dropping although the bumpy roads and dips were very painful. We sang songs and grew deeper roots between our friendship with our cheesy vocals. With the help of our awesome drivers we were all able to get where we wanted safely. At 10 am our first destination was a waterfall named Aguas Blancas which stands for white waters. The waterfall stands at an amazing 82 meters high. Everyone was so stoked about how magnificent it was, till it was time to get in the water. To make sure mostly everyone would get in the water I volunteered myself to go in as tribute to the water God. Just kidding. 😅  The water was VERY COLD till the point in a couple of seconds you weren’t able to feel the tip of fingers and toes. Everyone was having fun and taking a pictures while shivering but the most important thing is having the courage of getting in the water. By 11 we had a small lunch of sandwiches and very thirst quenching juices. From there we were on our way back to our hostel for a quick fresh up and were back on the road to another adventure to a very clear pond about two hours away from where we our now. There was big difference between each location starting with the water temperature, next the friendly locals everyone began to meet and it was truly a blessing meeting everyone. The environment was another difference too, the locals were jumping off rock ledges and doing front flips into the cool clear water. The ambassadors were very kind and gave each us a chocolate covered treat and it was full of flavor. After this we came back to the hostel to an hour and a half free time to do whatever we want, so one of our leaders Tim was asking everyone  if they’d like to go to the local bakery to get some treat  and practically everyone went. There we were welcomed with churros and doughnuts filled with clustered and chocolate and my personal favorite strawberry drinks. Everyone had their inner child come out and we ate these tiny desserts. For dinner we had Italian night with spaghetti Alfredo with a side of bread and salad. What I can say that today was just a kick back day and everyone had a good time going for a dip and getting a close chit chat with the local teenagers and coming back to a butt kicking dinner provided by the loving people here in Dilenia. It’s 10:42 and if I were to describe this day in one word it would definitely be MAINY or aka an awesome day. (: Goodnight and Buenas Noches from me and the rest of the Global glimpse program. Jonathan signing off