Que lo Que (whats up), Familias!

Today we woke up bright and early at 7, all of us were excited to enjoy our day at the beach. We started the day with a breakfast of ham and cheese sandwiches with a side of eggs. We then had a quick turnaround as we left for the beach at 8:30 am. The day at the beach started cloudy with light showers, although, we still enjoyed the morning by jumping into the ocean. Eventually, the sun rose and blessed us with its beautiful voluptuous rays of gracious and delectable light.

Along with the sun, two handsomely charming men persuaded us to buy necklaces and bracelets which we graciously accepted with an exchange of Pesos (parents, no need to be alarmed, we did not get scammed thanks to Ruth’s genius negotiating skills). Despite a collective yearning to remain at la playa (the beach), we returned to our elegant and cozy beach house. However, the fun did not end at the beach! Immediately on returning to the Beach house we jumped into the pool and continued the aquatic adventures.

After a while, we had a lunch of chicken, rice, and beans which we scarfed down! After finishing lunch, we prepared for the 4-hour treacherous bus ride. Although the ride was long and arduous, it was made bearable due to the collective voices singing in unison to Taylor Swift, SZA, Frank Ocean, and many more. Finally, we arrived back at our beautiful home at Dilenias in Constanza. There, we immediately went into our CAP planning meeting.

In our meeting, we discussed the core plans of our project. We mapped out the area and planned our work across three consecutive work days. Each day consists of a 9 am-4 pm work day with a one-hour lunch break between 12-1 pm. We plan to have two groups rotating manual labor shifts each day after lunch with a 15-minute break with each shift. Shoutout Brenda and Jean Carlos for drawing a nice sketch of the barrio (neighborhood) we will be working in. We will be using this poster and other visuals to present our CAP project to the local community.  Following this, we had our final meal of the day with some delicious spaghetti and a nightly meeting where Ruth showed us her killer dance moves!

Potato Salad,

Jill and Tyler 🙂