Hey Global Glimpse Fam, it’s your leaders of the day Walker and Naiomi!

We started this morning with what was supposed to be a 7:30 wake-up call. Walker forgot about a schedule change and accidentally woke people up at 7. This was met by some with a slight annoyance, and others with slightly more anger. Breakfast was at 8 AM; we had beef with veggies, cheese, empanadas, and Panamanian tortillas. We then headed on to the bus to Playa Uverito. Most headed straight for the ocean which in contrast to our California Beaches was a very warm and nice feeling. Most people swam around in the salty water and played volleyball. There was also a pool that others chilled by and some collected shells and played soccer on the sand. We had lunch at 12 which consisted of grilled chicken, grilled fish, chicken fingers, or fish sticks with of side of either fries or patacones. Most had grilled chicken and fries. After lunch, some people played cards and hung out while others went back to the ocean or the pool. We left the beach at 3 and headed to the hotel. Some people went out to explore and get souvenirs while others relaxed and packed to get ready for our journey tomorrow. We had dinner at 6, consisting of chicken soup and rice with pineapple juice. We then had our closing seminar and a nightly meeting. Now we’re playing card games or getting ready for bed. Excited for tomorrow and we can’t wait for our final leader of the day Kevin R!
