Hey, it’s Reema and Sidney!

Today, for day nine, we started off really eventful. We had a big and fulfilling breakfast with French toast, sunny side eggs, fruits, and yogurt with granola. After our stomachs were stuffed, we did a mental warmup, where Dianna and Miss Jasmin introduced three games, two were rock-paper-scissors with a twist, and ended with Telephone. Then everyone got ready to catch the 9:50 am bus to go downtown Turrialba. We went to the ice cream shop first (perfect for the disgustingly hot and humid weather that we experienced). Then we went to the fruit market, where the locals and farmers presented the goods they harvested, along with all sorts of jewelry, utensils, etc. The students bought good souvenirs, the jewelry stand being the most famous (Room 8 decided to get matching bracelets, cuteeee♡). Then we went to the central park, where we had a nice lunch, where we ate the to-go burritos the cooks prepared. The park was a perfect place to take pictures and a lot were taken! (Sidney wants to give a special tribute to a pigeon she named Mario). Then we went thrifting before we headed back to the house, awaiting our guest speaker, Rodrigo Mendez. Everyone learned about the 17 sustainable goals, in preparation for the CAP day coming up. Then we had dinner with rice and beans, fajitas, sweet plantains, eggs, and juice. The night routine was the same before we passed the torch to Chris and Jessica as leaders of CAP Delivery 1!! Chris sang a song he personally composed and Jessica shared her city-side biking talent. Overall the day was very hot but adventurous with good souvenirs and pictures as a result.

P.S. Mario the pigeon says hi 🙂