Greetings June 4th Esteli Global Glimpsers!! My name is Ms. Newman and I’m one of your Global Glimpse Leaders. I just wanted to reintroduce myself to you. I hope all of you guys are as excited to go on this trip as Ms. Castro and me. We can’t wait to meet all of you. As the date gets closer and closer we get more excited. I hope all of you have read your GG Student Handbook and reviewed the packing list. I’ve already got together some of the things that I know I won’t be able to live without on our trip together. Please make sure you have your trip essentials too. If any of you are worried or a little nervous it’s natural and we’ll get through this trip together. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to email or call Ms. Castro or myself.

Have a great end of the school year,

Ms. Newman