Hello people. My name is Nia Daniel and I’m going to the DR for two weeks, yay. I’m 16, about to be a senior in high school, and enjoy reading and dancing. I’m very passionate about the homeless and less fortunate, and my goal in life is to find any and every way to help them. I signed up for this trip because it seemed very interesting to me and compelling. I was hand-selected for it by Global Glimpse’s sister organization, Global Kids. It was an honor and kind of a shock. I never expected that I would have this opportunity for myself, and I’m extremely grateful. I’m looking forward to seeing how people who are different from me live their lives, especially in a third-world country. I’m excited to see how different life will be from the United States. I’m also a little scared to be away from home, but that’s what comes with traveling and exploring. You have to open yourself up to new things as well as the feelings that come along with it. Either way, I’m ready for this new chapter of my life, at least for the next two weeks. Mom if you’re reading this, I miss you and I love you. Wish me luck in the DR everyone.