I am Ms. Carsky. I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with some of you already, and can’t wait to meet and get to know all of you on our trip to Ecuador! I’m looking forward to great conversations, great adventures, and to great growth and learning.

My life has been blessed and enriched by travel. My father’s job working in tropical agriculture brought us to live in various tropical countries. I first lived in Brazil as a baby, then moved to West Africa when I was four. There, I was in Nigeria, Cameroon and Benin from elementary through high school. I finally made the move back to the US for my undergraduate and then graduate studies. I love learning and I love teaching. I even went back to Benin to teach at the very same school that I graduated from! I’ve been back in the US for four years now, and have been teaching Global History and Geography to ninth grade at the Urban Assembly School for Applied Math and Science in the Bronx. I’m excited to have some of my students on the trip with us!

Other likes: Drawing, painting, hiking, dancing, doing yoga and meditation (I’m a certified yoga instructor, so you just miiiight end up doing some yoga on the trip!)