Hello, I’m Giancarlo Aguilar. Originally from Mexico, I’ve been living and studying in the US for 10 years. I love learning about different countries and cultures to see the world from various perspectives. I teach Spanish 1, where I share the beauty of the Spanish language and Hispanic cultures with students. I also teach Ethnic Studies, exploring the diverse identities and histories that shape our world. In my free time, I enjoy trying new foods, reading fiction and manga, playing video games with great stories, playing the guitar, and learning new languages to connect with people from different backgrounds. I’m really interested in the lively culture of the Dominican Republic. I can’t wait to explore its music, dance, and food. Learning about the country’s history and traditions is like going on a big adventure to experience a new culture. I believe it will make my future trips more meaningful and satisfy my desire to discover and appreciate a different place. I’m excited to be traveling with others who want to be global citizens, and I’m here to help you on this journey.

¡Nos vemos Pronto!