Hola Glimpsers,

My name is Rubith Huizar and I will be one of your two Global Glimpse Leaders traveling with you to Jarbacoca. I am a High School Spanish teacher that loves traveling, dancing, and watching soccer. I have traveled to many countries, but this is the first time that I will travel with Global Glimpse and also the first time in the Dominican Republic. I am so excited to experience this trip with you all. I look forward to meeting you on Monday 7/10.

I become a Global Glimpse Leader because I truly believe that international traveling, meeting new people as well as new cultures can help you develop new knowledge and experience new perspectives. As a Spanish teacher, traveling to Latin American countries is also something that excites me. I am convinced that this trip will be a life-changing experience for all of us.

See you on Monday, July 10th,

Saludos, Rubith