Hi! My name is Kevin Pham, and I go to Andrew P. Hill High School in San Jose. I have a number of nicknames made up by friends, but I currently go by Kevmax Hamada on FaceBook b/c everyone knows I love Baymax from Big Hero 6.

I literally just finished Cinder, and I’m planning on reading the rest of The Lunar Chronicles next. I also had to read The Scorch Trials before it came out into theater. What I read seems rather different from the trailer, but the movie still looks promising to me.

Rick Riordan is one of my favorite authors. I cannot wait to read his new series on Norse mythology after his take on Greek, Egyptian, and Roman. I must sound like a bookworm. I don’t like to read, but I like to read. I don’t know how to explain that. And I need to buy An Ember in the Ashes b/c it’s all checked out and on hold in the library. It’s a mash-up of The Hunger Games with Game of Thrones!

Besides books, I love Disney and Marvel. I’m always trying to find someone to go to the movie theaters with me, and if a group of friends cannot make it, I always have another group of friends to go with. TV shows I currently watch include Once Upon a Time, Agents of SHIELD, and Game of Thrones. Apparently I love to quote characters from movies and TV shows.

I also love to travel, but I never had the chance to venture too far. San Jose is my first home, and Southern California, specifically the Happiest Place on Earth, is my second home. At least my summer home. I’m in the snow and then Reno, Nevada, in the winter. And cruises. I love cruises. I love the unlimited buffet food. I love having my worries just blow away in the wind and wash away in the ocean.

If I was an animal, I would be a tiger. Me, born in the year of the tiger. I also don’t want other people to judge a book by its cover. Humans kill more humans than animals such as tigers do. I just wish everyone can appreciate animals more. Speaking of animals, I am dying to visit the aquarium again. Someone should go to the aquarium with me!

Books. Movies. Travel. Animals. I also love to work with kids, although kids always seem to bully me in the end. Pen pals poking me b/c I’m taking their pictures for the club. Mentees chasing me b/c I don’t even know why. And students. I volunteer as a TA at a Vietnamese language school every Sunday, and the students would make fun of me once in a while. I guess I love to work with kids b/c of how open and innocent they are. What is the most exciting thing about traveling to Nicaragua for me? The people! The local!