
Hola Madres and Padres today was an extremely long day, but it was one of the most memorable. We started the day off at Buffet la Familiar just like every day and after our meal we made our way to Del Salle; which is the Catholic school in Jinotega. Due to the government restrictions we weren’t allowed to go to a public school. The school was much less strict than any American schools I have ever been to. Each of us was paired with a student that we could follow around for the couple hours that we stayed. The teachers in Jinotega were much more lenient than the teachers at home, the music teacher even allowed Trévon one of the Glimpsers to rap in front of the whole class. The kids were amazing. It was an extremely humble reminder that teenagers are the same no matter where you go.


After school we said our goodbyes and made our way to Buffet la Familiar where we were joined by Javier the Global Glimpse program director, Madai the director of Global Glimpse in Nicaragua, and Jocelyn the International Global Glimpse Director. We went back to Hotel Kiruas than we worked our way to Los Pipitos where we talked to the Founder and mother of one of the children; Adrianna. She explained to us how we could help her most and the organization which does not receive any support from the government. When we got back from Los Pipitos we got a speech from Professor Balthazar about education in Nicaragua.


The professor explained what happened to teachers becoming a less respected profession in Nicaragua. After that we had a program seminar when we discussed “One Dollar a Day” which we will be taking part of in a couple days. Dinner was followed by us going to the university and teaching our English class. We finished the day off with our daily nightly meeting and me passing the El Leader del Dia torch onto Mandy. Can’t wait to see you guys back home, see you soon.
