To start off our day, we woke up bright and early at 7:00 am. At 7:30, our amazing chef Deigo made us some French toast, eggs, and fruit. With the wonderful walk towards the school of Santa Rosa, we all felt the sun on us. The hill somehow felt steeper than normal but luckily made it to school on time. Today at the school for our CAP we finished painting the outside of the school and inside classrooms. We used a lighter grey paint for the outside and a light pink for the inside of the classrooms. Even though we did not finish all of the tasks that we wanted to, we did all that we could with the materials and the time we had. We made a lot of progress, so we took a break for lunch which was really delicious. Our leader Julio tried to trick us by telling us we were having rice and beans, but it was actually cheese, pepperoni, & margarita pizza. Everyone felt so grateful and full of excitement about eating a not homemade meal. After lunch, we spent the rest of our time finishing painting one full classroom and cleaning up the dirty mess we made on the floor. Since the roof wasn’t done, we hope the students don´t have the curiosity to look up. As time passed by, it was time to leave the school and head back to the base house. Everyone was so tired and ready to take a shower and spend some free time. After everyone enjoyed some alone time, we enjoyed a dish made by our favorite chef, Diego which had rice with chicken, beans, and salad. To be honest, the fresh juices never fail to amaze us, especially the passion fruit drink they make. Later, we all reflected on our CAP experience and came to an agreement that this experience has positively changed us and our perspective of life. As were heading to bed, we are all reflecting on this bittersweet end to our CAP project and enjoying the last little moments with each other in the base house.

Adios, your LDD’s for the day Naidelin & Charlie