Question of the day: What are your expectations from this trip? Is there anything you want to change about yourself during this trip?


Our first full day in Ecuador started with breakfast in Quito followed by a 4-hour bus ride through the Andes to Riobamba.

The theme of today was leadership:

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader” – John Quincy Adams

Glimpsers learned the responsibilities they will have when it is their turn to be the Líder del Día (LDD). The LDD assists the GGLs and PCs in ensuring that the activities planned run smoothly and that their peers feel safe and welcomed, as well as some major things like wake-up calls and critical reminders that are essential to everyone’s health: weather, food, hydration, mental health.

I wanted to title this blog “Travel and Transformation” because so far, all we’ve done is travel but this travel has served as a baseline for the Glimpsers to understand where they are now to better understand where it is they want to go. Transformation doesn’t happen from learning new things, it happens when you change how you view and react to the things around you.

We are excited about the changes the Glimpsers will make in themselves, in each other, in their communities, and in the future.