We close out our nightly meeting with a Unity Clap, which stems from the Farmworkers Movement in California in the 1960s with Cezar Chavez alongside Mexican, Filipino & other minority groups coming together to show their solidarity at the end of each day. In Global Glimpse style, prior to the Unity Clap, the group suggests & decides on a word that sums up the feelings & focuses for the day. In my involvement with Global Glimpse over the last six years, never have I encountered a group who chose more than one word for their Unity Clap…until tonight. 

Unity, because we are coming together as a group & getting to know each other. I have not heard so many giggles, snorts, & belly laughs in such a short amount of time being together. Our Self Reflection for the day was about getting to know each other. By writing down anonymous questions & answering them in their small groups, our Glimpsers found a space to share about themselves, relate to the others, learn from each other’s stories, & laugh together. As LDD (Leader Del Dia/Leader of the Day) one of my responsibilities was ensuring all were on time for each activity. While visiting each group for a time check, 45 minutes in, they were ALL still talking, laughing, engaging with each other (without cell phones…! Yes, they can do it!), they were asking for more time, or doing speed rounds to finish their questions & answers to each other. 

Culture, because today’s theme was Culture Fun Day, where we started off with a Mask Making Activity with renowned Gato, local Carnival mask & costume designer. Gato welcomed us to his home where he had 21 clay forms ready for each Glimpser to shape, mold, form & create their own inner characters, some with beaks, horns, heart eyes, curvy eyebrows, big ears, pointy chins, & other features that made each face unique. Gato & his team will cover them with paper machè & bring them back dry, a memory they will get to bring home to share & cherish. 

Paul, because after lunch was our dance class with Paul Rosado, who has earned local & national recognition for dance. He taught us Bachata & Merengue steps, and the students danced their hearts out! The music was pumping, the feet were moving, & the smiles were ear to ear. 

Today we had music, movement, art, community, friendship, our first shopping trip to the mercado, & pure joy the whole day through. Because there was so much greatness happening, the Glimpsers couldn’t decide on one word for our Unity Clap, instead we used four, to highlight all of the incredible moments shared together. Unidad, Cultura, Gato, y Paul. 

Now as I sign off as LDD, tomorrow’s leaders are power-team Hazel & Su, who began their leadership role tonight by teaching us how to write & pronounce numbers 1-5 in Chinese. I look forward to seeing what else they bring of themselves to our group, as well as all of the others after them!

Big Love to you all for helping make these moments happen for our Glimpsers! 

