Hello GG families and friends, it’s the Líderes de Día.

Today was Fun Day! We started the day off by waking everyone at 6:15 am to prepare for the day. At 7:00 am, we had our health checkup as we waited for Victor to pick us up. Instead of eating breakfast at Isabel’s, we had to eat during the bus ride since we had a two-hour journey to Baños ahead of us. After a long trip, we arrived at Pailón del Diablo, a waterfall located in Baños. Although it was raining, we didn’t let that get in the way of our plans. The path to get a closer look at the waterfall was rocky. We had to hike through a forest and cross two different hanging bridges, which was pretty scary for many of us. While all of us got wet, it was still beautiful to see the mist coming from the waterfall that covered the forest and land around it.

When we finished the tour of the waterfall, we decided to hit the markets. At the markets, I (Dutchkn) brought a flute to add to the collections of instruments and whistles I already purchased in Ecuador. Other Glimpsers brought many souvenirs for themselves, family members, and friends back home. At around 12:30 pm, we headed to lunch at a restaurant called Leprechaun. Once you enter, you are greeted with beautiful walls covered with detailed vines, monkeys and 3D cocoa beans. For lunch today, some ordered Gordon Blue, a dish with ham or spinach, wrapped in chicken; a few others had Bolognese, a pasta with meat sauce; the vegetarians in the group (Katie and Wilsie) had a traditional veggie dish called Timbal. After enjoying our meals, we were served mouth watering cheesecake.

After lunch, we had free time to explore more of Baños. After that we went to Fabrica De Chocolate. There we got to sample delicious chocolate and buy some to enjoy later. We also had a photoshoot with many whimsical props in the factory. After satisfying our sweet tooth we traveled back to Riobamba to have Mexican food for dinner. While we were waiting for the food, the GGLs (Global Glimpse Leaders) had a meeting with the new leaders for tomorrow. The rest of the students were spending time singing karaoke. After we ate, we went back to the hotel and had our nightly meeting. We went over our day and planned for the next. The new leaders for tomorrow Anais and Devin showed us their talent. Anais showed us her art and Devin performed a monologue from Cabaret. Our Big Love word of the day was “fun,” because that’s what we had today!