Hello everyone,

This is Nikki and Niya, your GGLs (Global Glimpse Leaders) of the trip. Our Lider del Dia (Leaders of the Day) were our lovely PCs, Josseling & Anabel. We started our day with a bus ride from Quito to Riobamba and made it safely to our accommodation.

We meet our food provider, Isabel for lunch. She provided us with a wonderful meal and introduced us to a traditional soup dish called, Choclos and platano verde. We had a couple of seminars and orientations. We learned about the rules of the hotel, got to know each other better with introductions, and learned the responsibilities of the Lider del Dia. Afterward, we had a little bit of free time when we played some card games in the hotel cafeteria.

Now, we just finished our very first nightly meeting. We passed the torch to the new Lider Del Dias so look out for them and their blog post tomorrow. Please stay tuned, because we are going to keep you posted about our moves during this trip 🙂

-Nikki & Niya