Buenas tardes Global Glimpse family and friends,

This morning we traveled from San Jose to Turrialba and survived the windy roads, incline, and speedy sloth! On our journey, we learned about varying stats and fun facts about Costa Rica Numbers: including population, economics, and biodiversity. We arrived at Casa Aquiares and have been getting acquainted with our new home for the next two weeks. The students are feeling very inspired by this beautiful location and are feeling like they’re in paradise, even during the rainstorm! As Liders del Dia, we helped facilitate conversations around expectations, rules, and guidelines, and set the tone for the next two weeks and the students have been so receptive. Following our nightly meeting, the delegation of students decided that the word that best represented the day was “connections” <3

Pura Vida!

Our first dinner in Casa Aquiares

the speedy sloth!

*before the windy roads*

*before the rain*

Loving our communal area, spent the afternoon getting to know one another in this cozy room