On this day, we went to Bejuco Aplastado. We all got to see the other part of this community which was the hard working one. It impacted us as we noticed the difference of daily hard work labor out in the fields. We helped them clean around the planted trees from former Global Glimpsers. The “morir y vivir” plant some of the leaders showed us was mouth opening. It was beautiful to see. The wild pineapples were wild. To get to the fields, our group joined hands to cross the river we became closer. As we were hiking up nature and the green forests, it was as if we were hiking up a new beginning to our trip. The green mountains was our view and it made us feel tranquility. The second half of this trip is a new beginning for Kimmy and I. Even though it seems as if we were attacked by mosquitos and so many pink rashes stuck onto us, we are willing to continue to strive. We have seen a new community which we are not used to back in the states and the leaders of the community that made us feel part of their family. Just by opening up their doors to their house, means so much. It was such a nice, heartwarming feeling when it was time to say thank you. The leader made us know that we were always going to be welcomed. What inspired us during the day was seeing how hard working everyone was working together and working as a team. Growing up, we would watch poverty commercials pop on TV but, we never thought poverty was real and this intense. Little by little, we wish we can make a difference by all of our experiences here. Throughout the day, everyone was humble and made the environment full of happiness. We will never forget this day.