Hello families of Glimpsers!

The student Leaders of the Day who are writing today are Luis Diaz and Angel Santiago. Today, we started with a 7 am wake-up call. Everyone got ready to enjoy breakfast together at 8 am. After we finished breakfast we had a morning meeting about the activity we’d be doing today. As we finished our meeting we boarded our Guagua (bus) and went to a local foundation called, “impACTA” which is a program that was created in 2007 by a man named Manuel Acta. His program was made to be a safe place for kids and teens in the community, to play baseball and receive educational help such as mathematics, reading, etc. When we arrived, we started off by practicing the basics of baseball which consisted of batting, catching, and running the bases. After practicing, we had a presentation of how the program started and then we were taken to our bus driver’s home to have lunch with his family. It was amazing. While being at their home we were able to talk and play with kids that lived in the neighborhood. Then, after playing with the children we went back to the foundation called impACTA to play a baseball game which was interrupted by heavy rainfall. The rain led to us going home and not being able to finish our game. Lastly, when we arrived back to our designated home, and had free time until dinner at 7 pm. We had burgers. which were also amazing. After dinner, we had our daily nightly meeting which we crowned our next teen leaders, wait until tomorrow to see who they are! When the meeting concluded, free time was available until bedtime,10 pm. Come back tomorrow for our next blog!

This is a farewell from Luis Diaz and Angel Santiago!