

Why Donate?

The TakeOff

JOIN US this holiday season as we launch our monthly giving program, The Takeoff! If you believe in breaking down barriers, making travel equitable, and empowering our next generation of leaders, join now to become a committed monthly supporter!

Choose an amount to give per month
$ USD/mo

Please, enter a valid "Other amount"!

Your support makes a change

A $ 25 USD/mo gift

A $ 25 USD/mo gift

Make possible 2 pre-trip trainings for glimpsers in Bay Area, Chicago, Western Massachusetts or New York


A $ 100 USD/mo gift

A $ 100 USD/mo gift

Support 1 new glimpser to join the program this summer in Ecuador, Dominican Republic or Costa Rica.


A $ 250 USD/mo gift

A $ 250 USD/mo gift

Make possible the expansion to a new US Region to allow more students to join the program


A $ 500 USD/mo gift

A $ 500 USD/mo gift

Help us to cover the food and medical expenses for an entire delegation this Summer



Gianna's First Passport

Gianna Morales (Applicant for Summer 2022)

Having a passport will be the first step in making my dream come true. I will be able to see the world, meet people of different communities, learn new languages, and capture the beauty of the world through my camera.

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Zephaniah Langley (GG Alumni 2021)

That was my first time inside an airport as a passenger because before then, I’d never flown on a plane. I can still feel the butterflies when I think back to that moment which was the beginning of a whole new life for me!

Read the full story

Gabriela Morales (GG Alumni 2019)

My peers and the trip leaders helped me understand that my voice and perspective carried weight and regardless of the differences in our backgrounds, my peers could relate to what I was saying

Read the full story

Dania Taleb (GG Alumni 2019)

When I look back on my experience now a couple of years later, there are two things that I’ve learned from my Global Glimpse journey that impact how I show up as a member of the US and global society

Read the full story

Donate Crypto

We are excited to now offer options for supporters to donate Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other Cryptocurrencies to Global Glimpse! Crypto donations are tax-deductible and processed through, which prioritizes impact by keeping fees extremely low.

490 Lake Park Ave #16039
Oakland, CA 94610 US

Donor Support:
[email protected]