Hello from Riobamba!

Today, we returned to Carlos Garbay Farm for our CAP project to continue working on our projects. We finished creating the fence today, and we got the cement flooring on the inside of the guinea pig house done. We started painting three different murals: one outside of the guinea pig house, one on the brick fence, and one on the side of the guinea pig house. These accomplishments follow our question of the day: Did you give 100% of your effort today? What would you change? Everyone put 100% by accomplishing these difficult tasks! We accomplished more than we thought, and as leaders watching everyone putting all hands on deck, we are proud of what we were able to achieve!

paint crew

demolition crew

cement crew

Leif designs a mural

Mary paints a mural

all work and no play…

all work and no play…

As leaders, it took a lot of responsibility to be able to guide everyone in the right direction to achieve our goals and keeping positive attitudes. At times, it can be frustrating and can lead to us being impatient, but as leaders, we have to show people not to give up, no matter how hard our tasks can be. This can also be seen in our English tutoring classes because it can be difficult teaching classes when students are being disruptive, but you learn to not give up on them because it shows the care you have for them. At the end of the day, they will know that we are not giving up on them and are trying our best to guide them in the right direction.

last night of teaching

Zach; As a leader today, I learned to be more patient with what is going on, because I usually can be very impatient when it comes to time-consuming tasks. In the end, the long, hard work our group put forth today showed how long it can take to finish tasks that can take up lots of time. We were all determined to finish what we started, no matter how long a project took to complete. I really was determined and focused on this project, especially with having a disability of my own, and I’m personally glad we all gave 100% effort in working on our goals for this project!

Micayla: Today as a leader, I learned to always encourage and be positive in every situation. Today, there were many challenges to take upon that lead to people becoming frustrated and irritated. As a leader this can happen too, but as a role model, I had to inspire others that these projects aren’t meant to be easy and they are suppose to be a challenge, a challenge for a team to accomplish. It was tough at times being a leader to not be able to resolve all problems, so I had to encourage others to be positive and that these projects are worth it.

We hope you enjoyed this post and stay toned for the next blog!

Signing off,

Zach and Micayla