Recent posts from: Chitre 1 7-23-2024

Baking and Making – Culture Day

Hey all, we’re Lucas and Nicole – today, we had the honor of being the first leaders del día! Today was culture day for us and we got to partake in lots of interesting experiences, living in the shoes of locals. We had an early start. First, we took a trip...

Bienvenidos, Panama! – Welcome & Orientation

We made it safely to Panama! Today was a busy day of travel, but we still managed to get a lot of interesting stops in. After packing the bus we headed to breakfast at Niko’s Cafe, where some of us tried bistec, a breakfast steak dish, and prepared for our...

Hi Panama!!

Hello family and friends! We hope you are doing well! Mauricio and Larry here again. 21 glimpsers and 2 GG Leaders made it to Panamá today! We were at the airport waiting for them to go to the hotel. Once there, they got into their rooms and just a while later we all...

Let’s go Panama!

Hola! I am so excited for this trip to Panama! I am highly looking forward to trying all the different types of foods and juices in Chitre. I also cannot wait for the nature aspect of the trip. I love to hike, camp, read the bible, write poetry, and meet new people. I...

Hello everybody there!

Hello everybody there! We are your Program Coordinators, Mauricio and Larry!  The time to meet in Panamá is so close! We can’t express how excited we are about this experience we are going to share. Panamá is an incredible country, full of amazing people and things to...

Introduction: Jeromie Whalen (GGL)

Hello Glimpsers! My name is Jeromie Whalen, I am a teacher at Northampton High School and one of two fabulous Global Glimpse Leaders going on the trip to Panama with you all! Before the trip, I wanted to let you know a little about myself, so here it goes! I am 37...