Recent posts from: Constanza 1 7-5-2024

Reflections and Tears

Today was our final day in Constanza. We woke up and had some nice eggs and toast, then we had a THREE HOUR seminar where we reflected on our entire trip and then freely felt our love for each other. We answered reflection questions and shared our favorite moments...

Return Flight Information: C1B-NYC

Hello family and friends of the C1B-NYC Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to arrive...

CAP Day 3

Salutations to our beloved families, supporters and friends, In the morning, the VIP’s joined us for breakfast as well as joining us during the final day of our CAP project. This project was focused on Chillo’s house which we considered to be one of most...

Cap Day 2!

Hello to our families, friends, and supporters, Today we had our second day of our Community Action Project in which we worked on Maire’s house. We were mixing cement, passing on the buckets, and overall using a great communication system. With our amazing team...

Community Action Project (CAP) – Day 1

Good evening friends and families. Today we all took a trip to the community in which we’d perform our CAP (community action project), where we will deliver 3 cement floors to 3 incredible people. We first woke up at 7am and had breakfast before heading to the...

Dancing, dancing, and more dancing!

Welcome back to the blog families and friends! Today being community day, we woke up at 6 am to eat some nice eggs and toast at 7. We then got ready to go to the community Cañada de las Palma to visit our host families, help out, and connect. Every family welcomed us...


Hi family, friends, and whoever else is reading this! Today was an amazing day. We all had so much fun! Today started with an amazing breakfast which was pancakes, eggs, and fruit. The fruit here is absolutely amazing. Followed by breakfast was what felt like a...