Recent posts from: Constanza 2 6-20-2024

Return Flight Information: C2A-BAY

Hello, family and friends of the C2A-BAY Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to...


Hi, we’re Janize and Zahra. We’re the 2 Leaders of the day for the last full day in Constanza. Today we woke up at 7am, had breakfast at 8am, and went back to the school at 9am to finish working on our CAP project.  Everyone was working very hard to finish painting...

Community Action Project Day 2

Today we woke up at our usual time of 7 AM and headed straight to breakfast. After we took the bus to the school we were working on and got right to work from where we left off the day before. We continued to work the whole day and it was great to see everything come...

CAP Day 1

Today is day 9 of our trip!!! We are close to coming back home which is exciting and sad at once. Although we are getting closer to the end of this trip that also means that we have started our Community Action Project (CAP). Today was our first day of our CAP project...

Beach Day

Today, day 8, Beach Day, was a total blast!! We (everyone but me, Obed) woke up before 7, got ready, then ate some yummy breakfast: cereal with chocolate pancakes (yummy). We then watched a bit of TV at the amazing villa we got to stay at for the night which had a...

Immigration day & Sugar Cane!!!!

Today we woke up early at 6 am. Then we  had breakfast at 7 am to get ready for a lengthy bus ride. We arrived at 12:00 to the new place we are going to be staying at for the night. After we selecting our beds and walked around the place we got on another bus. We...

Community Day With Familia

Today we are half way done with this trip as we are on day 7 Community day. We started the day pretty early waking up at 6 am with breakfast at 7:30 am. At 8:30 we headed to community Canada de les Palma where we split into different groups shadowing a single family...