Recent posts from: Jarabacoa 1 6-24-2024

The Finale.

As leaders of the day, we’re abusing our power entirely by keeping this blog short and sweet. We started off the day with a 7 am wake-up followed by breakfast. We were blessed today with a super fun three-hour reflection with the entire group, where we bonded even...

Return Flight Information: JA1B-CHI

Hello, family and friends of the JA1B-CHI Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to...

CAP Complete!!!

Helloooo! It’s the leaders of the day, Genise and Melvin! We started the day with a 7am wakeup call followed by Los Tres Golpes for breakfast. We headed straight to the community action project (CAP) site where we immediately started working on both connecting the...

Cap Day 2 for the 4th

Happy 4th of July everyone! It’s the leaders of the day Nadira and Natalie, and we’re currently writing this during a glow stick rave under the gazebo (they’re dancing to a very eclectic mix of Bad Bunny, ABBA, the national anthem, etc.)! We started off our day eating...

CAP Day 1!

Hey everyone, it’s the leaders of the day, Stephanie and Donaria! Today we woke everyone up at 7:00AM to get everyone ready for our first CAP day, making sure that everyone had their bug spray, sunscreen, and most importantly, water. At around 9:00 we headed to our...

A (slightly altered) Fun Day

¡Buenas Noches! Hey, this is Matthew and Micah, and we were the leaders of the day.  We woke up early at 7:00 am for breakfast at the temporary accommodation. We were provided with an array of fruits, cereals, and pancakes making for a nice and tasty meal. Then...

Immigration Day!

¡Hola familia y amigos! This is Bernijah and Milan all the way from Juan Dolio, Dominican Republic. We started our day off with a 6 AM wake-up, and a 7 AM breakfast. For breakfast, we had toast, a slice of ham and cheese, eggs, fruit, and the option of cereal. After...