Recent posts from: Turrialba 1 7-12-2024

It’s so hard to say Goodbye!

Hey Everyone! On our final full day in Costa Rica we woke up wanting the day to never end. We enjoyed a hearty breakfast before heading back to the CAP Project School, except this time it wasn’t to do work. The previous day the school’s staff kindly...

Return Flight Information: T1C-NYC

Hello family and friends of the T1C-NYC Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to arrive...

Final Day of CAP

Hola Amigos y Familias!!!!! It’s Farid and Ergi!!!!! Today was the last day of our Community Action Project! We started the day with a yummy French toast prepared by Dona Vera! After breakfast, we had our Mental Warm Up where we discussed the plans of the day....

CAP Day 2

Hey guyssss!! It’s Marley & Gabby. Today we started the day with gallo pinto and sunny side eggs for breakfast. Shortly after we walked to the school to start CAP day 2. We continued to fix the gym floor by adding concrete to the holes and gaps in the floor....

Cap Day 1

Holaaaa! Parents and friends! Today was our official first Community Action Project Day! We started our day with a big breakfast of banana pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruit! 🙂 After that we walked down to the local school and got straight to work! We started by...

Fun in Turrialba!

Hey, it’s Reema and Sidney! Today, for day nine, we started off really eventful. We had a big and fulfilling breakfast with French toast, sunny side eggs, fruits, and yogurt with granola. After our stomachs were stuffed, we did a mental warmup, where Dianna and Miss...

Day 8: Bonding while Exploring Conservation

Hey! It’s Liana and Amalia! Today we had a slow morning, with a yummy breakfast of Gallo Pinto, eggs, fruit, and bread, along with fresh juices. We played a few different group bonding games, our version of speed dating with rapid-fire questions, and a game of common...