Recent posts from: San Pedro 1 6-18-2024

Return Flight Information: SP1A-BAY

Hello family and friends of the SP1A-BAY Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to...

Day 12: Final Community Action Project Day (CAP Day 3)

Hello everybody! This is Sara, and today Emily and I were Leaders of the Day. I would like to start this post off by stating the most important thing that happened today: it was amazing Maggie’s Birthday!! Despite being said multiple times today, we would once...

Day 11 Community Action Day 2

Hello everybody! Our keen-eyed viewers will notice the leader of the day pic had a returning face, that is mine, Emerico’s! My co-leader of the day is Gregory, one of my good friends who needed someone to partner up with him as a Leader of the Day. And while...

Day 10: Community Action Project (CAP) Day 1

Helloo, this is Norma and Diana y fuimos los lideres del dia! Hoy el grupo se desperto a las 7AM y tuvimos un desayuno rapido que incluye una ensalada de fruta, yogurt y cereal. Despues todos nosotros nos subimos a un autobus. En donde nos derejimos hacia construcion...

Day 9: Fun Day at the Beach

Hola a todas las familias y amigos! (Hello to all families and friends!) Today I, Angela Zambrano, was the Lider del Dia, The theme for the day was “fun day” In which  we did something we hadn’t before and just had a great time. We began the day...

Day 8 Immigration Day

HOLA! Hello, families of all glimpsers. Today is the 8th installment of the SPA1 trip!!!! Today, Jennifer and I were the leaders of the day (LDD). The theme of today was Immigration, and I’ll let my partner, Jennifer, explain the themes more in-depth. We went to...