Recent posts from: Turrialba 1 6-24-2024

Day 13: Travel to San José

Good evening everyone! Today we traveled back to San José for the start of a long journey home. We began the day with pancakes, fresh fruit, eggs, sausage and yogurt. It gave us the energy to get through our final reflections, which were very emotional for everyone....

Return Flight Information: T1B-WM

Hello, family and friends of the T1B-WM Global Glimpse delegation, We know you’re excited to see your Glimpsers, so we thought we would share the new return flight information so you know when and where to pick them up from the airport: Students are expected to arrive...

Day 12: Final CAP Day

Pura Vida! This is Liam and Courtney, your final student LDD’s, here to recap today’s third and final CAP day! We woke everyone up at 7:15 with Master of Puppets by Metallica (that was all Liam) to get everyone energized for their final day of hard work at...

Day 11: CAP Day Two

Buen día a todos, Michael and Ari here. Today was CAP (Community Action Project) day TWO as well as the 4th of July, to which we woke everybody up at 7:15 to Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA” to give everybody a taste of home and keep morale high. 8...

Day 10: CAP Day One

Hola! It’s Leo and Nick. Today was the first day of our Community Action Project (CAP). We started the day with our typical 7:15 wakeup call. Everyone was very quick to get out of bed today because we told them that breakfast was in 5 minutes. We had breakfast...

Day 9: Free Day

Bonjour, Bon-Bini, Boungiorno, and HOLA! This is Eben and Mikaelyn writing as the leaders of today, our ‘free day’. We started today off with a typical wakeup at 7:15 with our breakfast at 8:00; today we enjoyed a wonderful French toast, egg, and sausage...

Day 8: Environmental Justice Day

¡Hola a todos! (Hello everyone!!) It’s Sophie and Didi here :))). Today was Environmental Justice Day. We started off the day with a 7:15 wake-up. Everyone was a bit slower to get up than usual, we were all sleepy- probably due to yesterday’s hike to the...